Today's the first day of
Bout of Books 20! Before I jump full-force into the read-a-thon, here's my report on last week's reading.
Finished Reading:
- The Silver Moon of Summer by Leila Howland
This was one of my most anticipated books of the year, but it was really just okay. I think I would have really loved it when I was ten, though. I'll have a review up on Goodreads eventually.
- Gates of Excellence: On Reading and Writing Books for Children by Katherine Paterson
This was great. I have a new respect for Katherine Paterson now and a renewed desire to read everything she's written. I plan to squeeze in a blog review of this before the month is over.
- The Cottage at Bantry Bay by Hilda van Stockum
This feel-good family story includes lots of references to Irish folklore and history and a fun larger-than-life character named Paddy the Piper. It was a quick and pleasant read for a summer weekend. Review coming in September.
Currently Reading:

- A Picturesque Tale of Progress: Beginnings II by Olive Beaupre Miller
I did read a good chunk of this book this week, but I'm only up to the birth of Moses. I'm not sure I will finish - perhaps not this week.
- Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
I barely touched this all week. I may not end up finishing it while it is still technically summer, but I will make it to the end eventually.
- Beware the Fish! by Gordon Korman
I am still planning to do a post about this series after I've read all of the books. The premise of this one seems weak compared to the first two books, but I'm still enjoying the exploits of Bruno and Boots.
- Butternut Summer by Mary McNear
My turn on the hold list for the ebook copy of this book came up yesterday, and I read the first chapter. Though it is an adult novel, it reminds me a lot of books by Sarah Dessen and Joan Bauer so far. It seems like I will like it more than the first book.
- Raising Demons by Shirley Jackson
I still have this on my nightstand, but to say that I am reading it is really a stretch. I hope to make some time for it this week. Otherwise, I may need to revisit it another time.
I'm linking up today with It's Monday! What Are You Reading? hosted by
Unleashing Readers/
Teach Mentor Texts and
Book Date.
Participating in Bout of Books would be good practice for being a Cybils judge. Have you thought about applying this year?
ReplyDeleteBy mid-October I will have 3 kids under 4, and we'll be homeschooling preschool for the oldest, so for the time being, I think my Cybils days are behind me!