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Monday, December 11, 2017

The RAHM Report for 12/11/17

What I Finished Reading

  • Winter Street by Elin Hilderbrand
    I had never read anything by Hilderbrand, and this was an enjoyable first experience with her books. It ended on a cliffhanger so I immediately had to start the second book. 
  • Prairie School by Lois Lenski
    This was not as wonderful as Strawberry Girl, but it was still quite good. I enjoyed the illustrations as well as the story. 
  • Snowbound Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner
    The Boxcar Children books really do not hold up that well. I loved these as a kid, but found this one tedious to read as an adult. The mystery was barely a mystery, and the four kids' personalities are too similar. I was going to review this for Old School Kidlit, but may end up skipping it. 
  • Betsy's Winterhouse by Carolyn Haywood
    Another charming and nostalgic read from this series. It wasn't quite as wintry as I was expecting, but it did include Christmas and lots of fun ideas for playing indoors when the weather is too cold to go out.
  • The Tough Winter by Robert Lawson
    This is the sequel to Rabbit Hill. It's good, but not great. Review coming at the end of the month. 

What I'm Currently Reading

  • I'll Have What She's Having : How Nora Ephron's Three Iconic Films Saved the Romantic Comedy by Erin Carlson
    I'm almost done with this one, and I have really enjoyed it. It's interesting to hear the background behind a lot of the decisions that were made during the filming of the three movies referenced in the title. I really want to see the movies again now!
  • Winter Stroll by Elin Hilderbrand
    I'm only a few pages into this one, but it seems comparable to the first book of the series so far. I want to try to finish the series before the new year - I usually don't want to read these holiday-themed family stories anymore once the Christmas season passes.
  • Far Out the Long Canal by Meindert DeJong
    I haven't started this one just yet, but it was my original pick for a winter story for Old School Kidlit. I still plan to read and review it even though I have already read several winter titles.

I'll be linking up today with Unleashing Readers/Teach Mentor Texts and Book Date for It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


  1. Your children's books are giving me flashbacks to my childhood. :) Come see what I'm reading.

  2. I love how Christmassy this post is - with all those classic reads. :)

  3. Oh dear...I was obsessed with the boxcar children as a young reader, but I might just let them stay as they were in my memory. ;-)

  4. I can see a book worm inside you. I mean wow man you have such a great collection of book.I haven't seen such interesting books altogether in a single place
